Foodvisor: Counting calories from photos

With Foodvisor, thanks to a unique Food Recognition algorithm, you just take a picture of the food on your plate and the app instantly tells you: what’s on our plate, the size of the servings, the calories it represents, and how it affects your health. It’s fun and interactive.

The Food-Logging app market represents 250+M people, most of whom in the US. More than 186 million American are “weight conscious”, and 54% of them want to reduce their weight.

Foodvisor has developed proprietary algorithms to detect every food item in a picture, evaluate the servings and estimate the nutritional facts in it.

The algorithms are designed specifically for food detection, with a very high precision. Using this technology, they developed two complementary products: a Food Recognition API for companies to improve their customer experience, and a smartphone app that uses this API to analyze meals effortlessly.

The app enables to collect annotated food pictures via the users to enrich the database. And the more picture they have to train the algorithms, the better they get.

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