New prospective studies

In the context of the NE2020 project and after earing its stakeholders, NORTEXCEL has successfully completed the contractualization of 4 new studies to support the medical technology players. Their topics are:
– Analysis of the Dynamite methodology and definition of a roadmap for its implementation and operationalization by Nortexcel;
– Study and specification of a digital platform to support and promote the ecosystem of innovation in medical devices and assistive technologies;
– Analysis of solutions based on wearable devices (bands, shirts, etc.) to support the diagnosis and management of the condition of patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases;
– Analysis of solutions based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques applied to the health area, identifying the main methods and techniques for AI, types of problems treated, and specialties of medicine and health covered.
These four studies are the sequence of 2 previous studies that approached the innovative 3D printing applications for surgical planning and innovative applications in the field of health care.

In today’s society, knowledge is one of the main tools driving success and competitiveness. Therefore, these studies will be an important asset for the medical technology ecosystem and to increase innovation’s sustainability.