The Referral Solution for Skin Lesions by FhP-AICOS

The mobile dermatology is one of the fields of research performed by Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS. This area has been explored since 2011. The Referral Solution for Skin Lesions (SkinLesionsRS) intends to optimize the triage process for patients examined in Local Health Centres. With the support of this technology, general practitioners from Local Health Centres are able to acquire highly relevant dermatological information through the usage of a smartphone, an adaptable dermoscope and a mobile application. The SkinLesionsRS project aims to mature and eventually integrate a melanoma risk assessment module to assist specialists in the triage process.Fraunhofer joined forces with F3M Information Systems S.A. to create a low-cost solution that will be able to easily collect skin lesions images, insuring image quality through automated image processing, and thus, better diagnosis.


