Virtual Humans: see the processes within our bodies

Have a look at the power of supercomputers and see how scientists can map and plan treatments in our bodies to determine the best outcome for us.

All made possible by the MareNostrum supercomputer at Barcelona Supercomputing Center. How long will it be before we could all have our own Virtual Human? Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC) and CompBioMedH2020 Centre of Excellence in Computational Biomedicine, led by University College London, produced a short film showing the possibilities of using High Performance Computing (HPC) to delve deeper into the processes taking place within the body.

The virtual human project has the potential to transform medicine. The project is already helping to reduce the need for animals in drug testing. In the long term, a virtual version of you will be used test treatments, like a crash test dummy, guinea pig and trial volunteer all rolled into one. Your digital doppelgänger could breathe, blister and bleed. It could be dissected, probed and explored in unprecedented detail, helping to work out the treatments that work best for you.