Norte Study Visit

A study visit from Styria to Norte region was organized under the NORTEXCEL2020 initiative, between 8th of February to 10nd of February of 2016, involving relevant stakeholders from the Joanneum Research institute. The goal of this meeting was to present the region to the teaming partner regarding its landscape and policy strategies, the industry status, as well as to demonstrate the scientific and technological capacity of the region in the areas address by the NORTEXCEl2020 initiative.

The visit started in the regional authority (CCDR-N ) with a presentation of the regional landscape and current policy strategies to improve the innovation performance of the region, with a deep discussion regarding the priority domains identified in the regional smart specialisation strategy (RIS3 Norte). In the afternoon, it was possible to visit a Science and Technology Park (TECMAIA) which contains more that seventy companies settled, including some spin-offs of regional universities.

Moreover, the study visit included a presentation of P.PORTO and its schools, with particular focus on the School of Engineering of Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP) and the School of Allied Health Sciences (ESTSP). It included a presentation of several research groups of these school with relevant research projects in the areas addressed by NORTEXCEL2020 and concluded with a tour to the research installations and laboratories. On the other hand, it was also possible to visit one of local Hospitals (Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia e Espinho – CHVNG/E) where it was possible to talk Dr. Silvério Cordeiro (chairman of the board) and to perform a visit to its different services (e.g. cardiology, intensive care). The visit ended INOVA+ where we had a representative of INFARMED (the National Authority of Medicines and Health Products) to talk about the process for regulation of medical devices and health products in Portugal and regarding the new European directive on medical devices.