Kick-off of the NE2020 project

The project “NE2020 – Stimulate R&DI performance at the Norte region of Portugal through the excellence centre NORTEXCEL2020” has officially began its activities. NE2020 is financed by NORTE2020 under the call NORTE-46-2015-16.

This project aims to support the installation of the NORTEXCEL2020 centre in the North region and will be essential to streamline the region’s ecosystem, facilitating the joint development of R&D projects in the area of medical devices by companies and non-corporate entities of the national R&D system. The strategic objectives of this project divided 6 activities are:

  • To encourage actions that foster the development of activities with high technological intensity and the emergence of new products or services and startups.
  • To establish partnerships with other regional, national and international entities to leverage resources and expertise;
  • To contribute to the development and increase of competitiveness of the regional business fabric, stimulating the inclusion of innovation in its business activities.
  • Encourage the promotion, creation and stimulation of cooperation between different stakeholders, namely entrepreneurs, researchers, universities and industry, in order to foster and catalyze opportunities for systematic and multidisciplinary cooperation.