Study – Implementation and operationalization of the Dynamite methodology

The third study developed under the NE2020 project explores the applications of the Dynamite methodology and the adaptations necessary to implement it to the Norte region.

The development and advancement of the medical devices sector is one of the fastest within the engineering world. However, this is a very heterogenous group of products in terms of design, use and purpose, causing companies operating in the sector to have very different innovation approaches depending on the type of products that they are developing. Especially in the case of SME, this constitutes an extra challenge and a barrier. To increase the success rates of the development and commercialization of new medical devices, the support of public or private structures specialized in this field is fundamental.

In this study, KIS Consulting explores the Dynamite methodology, developed by Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH in Austria, adapts it to the Portuguese reality and proposes an implementation strategy by NXCEL. This may constitute a relevant support tool for the development of medical devices to be offered by NXCEL, that could have a very positive impact in the competitiveness of this sector.

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